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Study graphs and results

Learn how to make the most of your experimental data in Studies

Updated over 2 years ago

As your study progresses and you enter measurements into Studies, your Study graphs will be automatically created and updated in real-time. For these graphs to work properly, there are three pre-requisites:

  1. Animals must be Randomized or manually assigned to treatment groups.

  2. Animals must have a tracking date.

  3. Animals must have measurements recorded on or after the tracking date.

Check out this article if you you need to troubleshoot when your graphs appear empty.

Click Graphs from the left-hand menu to access the latest graphs for your experiment. There are four graphs available:

Grouped will plot a line graph of your key metric against the amount of days tracked so far beginning from the first measurement on or after the tracking date.

Daily will plot a bar for each group on a selected study day (based on the Tracking date) with variation either as SEM or SD

Note: The default variation display for the study is set in the Treatment groups section within the study navigation bar where you can select the method you prefer. To temporarily change this variation use the options menu in the graphs section.

Spider plot will present a line graph of each individual animal.

Survival curve offers a Kaplan–Meier overview of the survivability throughout a study based on the date that the animal is marked as deceased.

Absolute and relative data

You can switch between absolute and relative data in Graphs to get a better focus of how a treatment is performing, using a dropdown on the right hand side of the graphs page.

Absolute data is the presentation actual measurements recorded during a study.

Relative data is percentage-based and relative to the very first measurement. This can be presented as:

  1. Relative - whereby the value at Day 0 is considered 100% so that a decrease of 10% is displayed as 90%

  2. % Change - Whereby the value at Day 0 Is consider 0% so that a decease of 10 % is displayed as -10 %

Interacting with the graph

Filter specific treatment groups to show only those you are interested in by clicking the Groups button.

You can also hover over any data point in the graph to show the specific measurement.

Click and drag your mouse to highlight a specific timeframe. Double-click the graph to zoom out and return to the original viewpoint.

Study groups breakdown

Beneath the graphs you will find a comprehensive breakdown of all relevant data within your study. This is presented day-by-day with average and SEM and SD calculated for each group. This data can be exported as .xlxs (MS Excel) or .pzfx (Graphpad Prism) files from the Export page using the "Study group report" and "Prism report" options.

Arithmetic and geometric mean

The study groups section can display your data calculated as either arithmetic or geometric mean. To change this, click Treatment groups within the study navigation bar and select the method you prefer.

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