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Treatments in your study

How to add treatment information and associate with study groups

Updated over a week ago

When inside a study, you should see the Treatments link in the study navigation bar. Click this to get started.

Click Add New to add the first treatment to your study. You can then start typing the treatment name to see a list of available options. If the treatment you are looking for is not there, please ensure that your team administrator has added it to your Team Glossary. Click Continue.

Use the dropdown menu to select the dosing method. This can either be:

  • Standard volume - all animals will be treated with the same volume.

  • Standard concentration (mg/kg) - animals will be treated with the same concentration and with the volume varying depending on animal weight and stock concentration.

  • Standard concentration (ml/kg) - animals will be treated with the same concentration and with the volume varying depending on animal weight only. If using this method, stock concentration is not required.

  • Custom - animals are treated with the defined dose and volume with no dependency on body weight.

After selecting the correct method, you will be prompted to enter relevant information such as dose concentration, stock concentration or dose volume.

Click Save to confirm.

Make sure to proceed to configuration to define which group(s) should receive this treatment.

As you add more treatments to your study, they will show in the table in the Treatments section. You can easily edit treatment information by clicking the treatment name.

To delete a treatment from your study, select the relevant checkbox in the treatments table, click Bulk Actions and click Delete.

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