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Moving animals between Cages
Updated over 2 years ago

Moving animals is very intuitive in Studies, simply pick up an animal from one cage and drop it into another cage.

  • Use the bulk action, "Manage cages" to open up the cages view across multiple cages in your colony or from the same Study.

Note: You must have Write access to the study if you are managing cages that are assigned to a study

Move animals using the cages page in your study

  • Click on the page called "Cages" a window will appear with all available cages. Each cage can hold up to 10 animals.

  • To move an animal between cages, simply click and drag from its current cage to the required destination.

You can click on the cage name to rename it or using the ... menu to to print cage labels or delete empty cages.

Note: If you need to delete many cages at once, filter the cages table in the Colony and use the Bulk action option to "Delete" cages.

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