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Workflow setup
Updated over a week ago

From the Study Navigation menu:

  • Click Workflow

The Workflow setup window will appear. To update a workflow setup click on the following button at the top right corner of the screen to apply new setting from that point on.


Here you can decide whether to show or hide treatment groups, specify the date measurements were taken, select how you would like to search for animals within the system and which section is the starting point of your workflow.

When using two different identifiers for the animals in your study you can select which Identifier is to be displayed and which is to be used to search, this is particularly useful with using scannable ID systems such as RFID.


You can specify which (if any) measurements you will be taking and in what order.

Hint: click and drag the grey ellipsis icon to the right to reorder measurements.

In this section you can also select how body weight % change is calculated and add a field to assign identifiers to the animals before capturing measurements Read more about this feature here. Confirm the next step of your workflow by selecting the option beside "after saving".


Here you can select which samples you are collecting and drag and drop these into the correct order. Every animal will now have these samples selected in this order ready for collection however this selection can be changed and added to at any time for a single animal or from the setup for all animals.

Also you can select if you would like Benchling In Vivo to automatically generate unique sample IDs for you. Leave this option unselected if you want to define the sample ID yourself. Confirm the next step of your workflow by selecting the option beside "after saving".


Here you can select which observations you are recording and drag and drop these into the correct order. Every animal will now have these observations selected in this order ready for collection however this selection can be changed and added to at any time for a single animal or from the setup for all animals. Confirm the next step of your workflow by selecting the option beside "after saving".


Use the treatments dropdown menu to specify the treatment(s) that will be administered during this Workflow session. If no options show, you need to go to the Treatments section of your study to define this information in advance.

Note: Treatments must be assigned to groups via treatment group configuration and animals assigned to the correct groups through randomization or manual assignment to be able to administer a dose.

Skip dosing: use this option to skip this step for any animals that have not been assigned to a group or do need to receive any of the selected treatments in this session.

Note: If you are carrying out a dosing only worklflow starting on dosing and moving directly to the next animal, keep a close eye on which animal you have skipped to as this can happen very quickly and you don't want to loose track of which animal is selected.

Use new body weight: if the recorded body weight for the animal differs from the current weight to be used in the dosing calculation, enable this setting to enter in a more accurate weight for this purpose alone.

Confirm the next step of your workflow by selecting the option beside "after saving".

After saving

You can tell Benchling In Vivo what to do after saving each measurement, sample or observation as follows. Hint: you can define your starting point in the General section.

Focus search bar: automatically returns to the search bar upon saving. Useful for scanning ID tags without having to type any details and moving to the next animal.

Toggle samples: automatically loads samples upon saving. Useful for registering any samples taken immediately after.

Toggle observations: automatically loads observations upon saving. Useful for registering any observations taken immediately after.

Toggle Dosing: automatically loads dosing upon saving. Useful for recording measurements prior to dosing.

Move to the next animal: sequentially loads the next animal in the list after saving. Useful if you are using physical identifiers, for example ear or tail tags.

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